सद्भावेन जयेन्मित्रं सद्भावेन च बान्धवान्
स्त्रीभृत्यान दानमानाभ्यां दाक्षिण्येनेतरं जनम्
Sadbhaawena jayen mitram sadbhaawena cha baandhawaan
streebhrutyaan daanmaanaabhyaam daakshinyenetaram janam.
sadbhaawa = kindness, good behavior. Bhrutya = servant
Daan = giving charity. Maan = giving respect/recognition
Daakshinya = expertness. Itar = others. Janam = persons
i.e. one should win friends and relatives through kindness and good behavior, women and servants by recognising their services and paying them properly, and others through expertness (diplomatically).
स्त्रीभृत्यान दानमानाभ्यां दाक्षिण्येनेतरं जनम्
Sadbhaawena jayen mitram sadbhaawena cha baandhawaan
streebhrutyaan daanmaanaabhyaam daakshinyenetaram janam.
sadbhaawa = kindness, good behavior. Bhrutya = servant
Daan = giving charity. Maan = giving respect/recognition
Daakshinya = expertness. Itar = others. Janam = persons
i.e. one should win friends and relatives through kindness and good behavior, women and servants by recognising their services and paying them properly, and others through expertness (diplomatically).
a very very practical tip which is apllicable always