Friday 14 June 2013

To day's Subhashit.

भद्रं  भद्रं  कृतं  मौनं   कोकिलैर्जलदागमे  |  
वक्तारो दर्दुरा यस्य तत्र मौनं समाचरेत  ||

भावार्थ - जल से भरे हुए बादलों के आगमन पर (वर्षा ऋतु में)
कोयल नहीं कूकती है , क्योंकि उस समय यदि मेंढक टर्रा रहे हों 
तो ऐसे स्थिति में उनका मौनधारण करना ही श्रेयस्कर है |
(कोयल मुख्यतःवसन्त ऋतु में कूजती है और उस समय मेंढक
गायब रहते हैं | और वर्षा ऋतु में चारों ओर मेंढकों की टर्र टर्र
ही सुनायी देती हैं | प्रकारान्त से इस सुभाषित का तात्पर्य यह है
कि जिस सभामें अज्ञानीऔर नीच व्यक्तियों का बोलबाला हो उसमें
विद्यानऔर सज्जन व्यक्तियों को चुप रहना चाहिये |)
Bhadram Bhadram Kritam Maunam Kokile'Jaladaagame.
Vaktaaro Dardura yatra, Tatra Maunam samaacharet.
Bhadram = wise and honourable persons. Krutam = observe. Maunam = silence.
Kokilairjaladaagame =Kokilai +jalad +aagame. Kokilai = nightingales (a singing bird)
Jalad = rain bearing cloud. Aagame = arrival of. Jaladaagame = arrival of rainy season.
Vaktaaro = speakers. Darduraa = frogs. Yasya = whose. Tatra = there.
Samaacharet = observe.
i.e. On the arrival of rain bearing clouds (onset of rainy season) the nightingale stops singing, because then frogs croak every where . So it is advisable for them to keep mum during this period.
(Nightingales usually sing during spring season, when flowers bloom every where and frogs are conspicuous by their absence. What he author of this Subhashit means to say indirectly very cleverly comparing the learned persons with nightingale and ordinary semi-literate or illiterate persons to frogs, has emphasized the fact that it is futile for learned persons to indulge in oratory and display of their knowledge before ordinary persons and it is always advisable to keep mum if such an occasion arises.)


  1. 'Yasya' should be replaced with 'yatra' in Sanskrit shlok and also in word meaning.
    'Yasya' is not proper word.
