कलाभिरुच्छ्रिता वेश्या रूपशीलगुणान्विता |
लभते गणिका शब्दं स्थानं च जनसंसदि ||
अर्थ - एक रूप शील और गुणसंपन्न तथा विभिन्न कलाओं ( विशेषतः नृत्य एवं संगीत) मे अभिरुचि रखने वाली वेश्या का समाज मे साधारण वेश्याओं की तुलना में सम्मानित स्थान होता है और उन्हें 'गणिका' कहा जाता है |
( इस सुभाषित द्वारा प्रकारान्त से साहित्य, संगीत और विभिन्न कलाओं के महत्व को प्रतिपादित किया
गया है, जिन से संपन्न एक वेश्या को भी समाज मे सम्मानजनक स्थान प्राप्त होता है और उसे अन्य नाम यथा 'गणिका' , 'राजनर्तकी ' ' नगरवधू' दिये गये हैं | )
Kalaabhirucchritaa veshyaa roopasheelagunaanvitaa.
Labhate ganikaa shabdam sthanam cha janasansadi.
Kalaabhirucchritaa = Kala + abhiruchi +shritaa. Kala = arts (e.g. singing and dancing)
Abhiruchi = interest, a hobby. Shritaa = well versed, dependent. Vaishyaa = a prostitute.
Roopa = handsome form. Sheela = good nature, character. Gunaanvita = endowed with virtues.
Labhate = acquires , gets. Ganikaa = a courtesan. Shabdam = a word, a name.
Sthanam = a place, a position. cha - and. Janasansadi = an assembly of men, public forums.
i.e. A handsome and good natured prostitute well versed in various arts (singing and dancing in particular)
and dependent on them for a living, is given a more respectable name 'Ganika' and a prominent status in public forums
(In medieval times prostitutes expert in singing and dancing had a better and respectable status in society unlike ordinary prostitutes, and they were called by a more respectable name as 'ganika' or ' Raajnartaki'
and they entertained mainly the kings, government officials and other aristocrats in the society.
The underlying idea behind this Subhashita is that expertise in various arts and other virtues enhance the status and respect of even ordinary and lowly persons in the society .)
लभते गणिका शब्दं स्थानं च जनसंसदि ||
अर्थ - एक रूप शील और गुणसंपन्न तथा विभिन्न कलाओं ( विशेषतः नृत्य एवं संगीत) मे अभिरुचि रखने वाली वेश्या का समाज मे साधारण वेश्याओं की तुलना में सम्मानित स्थान होता है और उन्हें 'गणिका' कहा जाता है |
( इस सुभाषित द्वारा प्रकारान्त से साहित्य, संगीत और विभिन्न कलाओं के महत्व को प्रतिपादित किया
गया है, जिन से संपन्न एक वेश्या को भी समाज मे सम्मानजनक स्थान प्राप्त होता है और उसे अन्य नाम यथा 'गणिका' , 'राजनर्तकी ' ' नगरवधू' दिये गये हैं | )
Kalaabhirucchritaa veshyaa roopasheelagunaanvitaa.
Labhate ganikaa shabdam sthanam cha janasansadi.
Kalaabhirucchritaa = Kala + abhiruchi +shritaa. Kala = arts (e.g. singing and dancing)
Abhiruchi = interest, a hobby. Shritaa = well versed, dependent. Vaishyaa = a prostitute.
Roopa = handsome form. Sheela = good nature, character. Gunaanvita = endowed with virtues.
Labhate = acquires , gets. Ganikaa = a courtesan. Shabdam = a word, a name.
Sthanam = a place, a position. cha - and. Janasansadi = an assembly of men, public forums.
i.e. A handsome and good natured prostitute well versed in various arts (singing and dancing in particular)
and dependent on them for a living, is given a more respectable name 'Ganika' and a prominent status in public forums
(In medieval times prostitutes expert in singing and dancing had a better and respectable status in society unlike ordinary prostitutes, and they were called by a more respectable name as 'ganika' or ' Raajnartaki'
and they entertained mainly the kings, government officials and other aristocrats in the society.
The underlying idea behind this Subhashita is that expertise in various arts and other virtues enhance the status and respect of even ordinary and lowly persons in the society .)
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