Thursday 5 February 2015

Today's Subhashita.

हस्तस्य भूषणं  दानं सत्यं  कण्ठस्य भूषणं |
श्रोत्रस्य भूषणं शास्त्रं भूषणैः किं प्रयोजनम् ||

अर्थ -      सुपात्रों को दान देना हाथों को शोभित करना है, सत्यवादिता से
कण्ठस्वर (बातचीत) सुशोभित होती है, विभिन्न शास्त्रों के श्रवण करने  से
कानों की शोभा होती है |  यदि ये आभूषण किसी व्यक्ति के पास हों  तो उसे
अन्य आभूषणों की क्या आवश्यकता  है ?

(लोग अपने  हाथों को सजाने के लिये कंकण,अंगूठी आदि पहनते हैं, गले मे हार तथा
कानों में कुंडल आदि पहनते हैं | इस सुभाषित के माध्यम से यह् तथ्य प्रतिपादित
किया गया है कि इन आभूषणों  के स्थान पर एक व्यक्ति की वास्तविक शोभा
दान देने ,सच बोलने और अच्छी बातें सुनने और मनन करने से ही होती हैं | )

Hastasya bhoodshanam daanam satyam kanthasya bhooshanam.
shrotrasya bhooshanam shaastram bhooshanaih kim prayojanam.

Hastasya = hand's  + Bhooshanam = decoration,     Daanam =  donation,
giving money as charity.      Satyam = (speaking) the truth,
Kanthasya = voice, throat.    Shrotrasya = ears' (for listening )
Shaastram =  treatises (books) on various disciplines of knowledge.
Kim = whar ?      Prayojanam = purpose. need

i.e.      The real decoration of hands is by giving donations for charitable
purposes,  and of the neck and throat by speaking the truth.  Likewise the
real decoration for the ears is listening to and musing over various disciplines
of knowledge and learning. If a person is endowed with these real decorations,
the where is the need for the artificial ornaments ?

( Generally people artificially adorn their hands by wearing bracelets and rings
etc, of the neck by wearing garlands,  and of ears by wearing ear rings. The
author of the Subhashita emphasizes that if a person has all the qualities
mentioned in the Subhashita, then where is the need of wearing these
artificial ornaments ? ) 


  1. अर्धश्लोक "दाता स्वम्"

    दाता स्वं च परानां च ।
    क्रिणत्यानन्दं दानेन ॥

  2. Good.Plese keep it up.
    In addition to overall meaning,
    Word by word meaning makes it better

  3. किम पर्योजनम ka kya matlab hota hai
