अनित्यानि शरीराणि विभवो नैव शाश्वतः |
नित्यं संनिहितो मृत्युः कर्तव्यो धर्मसङ्ग्रहः ||
- चाणक्य नीति (१२/१२ )
भावार्थ - इस संसार में समस्त प्राणियों का जीवन क्षणिक
होता है तथा धन संपत्ति और समृद्धि भी शाश्वत (सदा बनी
रहने वाली ) नहीं होती है | मृत्यु भी हर समय उनके प्राणहरण
के लिये उद्यत रहती है | ऐसी स्थिति में मनुष्यों का कर्तव्य है
कि वह धर्म के सिद्धान्तों को अपना कर उनका पालन करे |
(धर्म के दस सिद्धान्तों का वर्णन इस सुभाषित में किया गया है -
धृतिः क्षमा दमोSस्तेयं शौचमिन्द्रियनिग्रहः |
धीर्विद्या सत्यमक्रोधो दशकं धर्म लक्षणम् ||
अर्थात धैर्य , क्षमा, दम, चोरी न करना , स्वच्छता , इन्द्रिय निग्रह ,
बुद्धिमत्ता , विद्या , सत्यवादिता , क्रोध न करना , ये दस धर्म
के लक्षण हैं |)
Anityaani shareeraani vibhavo naiva shaashvatah.
Nityam smnihito mrutyuh kartavyo dharmasangrahh.
Anityaani = temporary, transient. Shareeraani = bodies
of all living beings. Vibhavo = Wealth, status, power.
Naiva = no, not. Shaashvatah = eternal, permanent.
Nityam = daily. Smnihito = present, prepared. Mrutyuh=
death . Kartavyo = duty. Dharma =propriety of conduct,
religious austerity . Sangraha = acquisition .
i.e. All living beings in this World are perishable , and
their wealth, status and power is also not eternal. Death is
always present there to take away their life . So, it is the
duty of every one to observe religious austerity.
(What is religious austerity has been defined in another
Subhashita,which says that there are 10 attributes of Religion
namely (i) patience (ii) forgiveness (iii) punishing some one for
his wrongdoings ,(iv) not indulging in theft (v) keeping the body
clean (vi) control over sensory organs (vii) intelligence (viii)
knowledge (ix) truthfulness and (x) not being angry.)
Dear sir, Thank you for keeping up this blog. Appreciate the work you do. I had a question - do you use any specific software to type the Sanskrit script on this blog? Any pointers and help appreciated.