यस्य चित्तं द्रवीभूतं कृपया सर्वजन्तुषु |
तस्य ज्ञानेन मोक्षेण किं जटाभस्मलेपनैः ||
- चाणक्य नीति (१५/१ )
भावार्थ - यदि किसी व्यक्ति का हृदय प्राणिमात्र के प्रति दया
की भावना से द्रवित होता है तो इसी ज्ञान (भावना) के कारण वह मोक्ष
प्राप्त कर लेता है और फिर उसे (एक तपस्वी की तरह) सिर में जटायें
बढा कर और शरीर में भस्म लगाने की क्या आवश्यकता है ?
(इस सुभाषित द्वारा मोक्ष प्राप्ति के लिये तपस्या करने से भी अच्छा
साधन प्राणिमात्र के प्रति दया की भावना को बताया गया है )
Yasya chittam draveebhootam krupayaa sarvajantushu.
Tasya gyaanena Mokshena kim jataabhasmalepanam.
Yasya = whose. Chittam = Heart. Draveebhootam =
moved. Krupayaa = compassionately. Sarva + jantushu.
Sarva = all. Jantushu = creatures on the Earth. Tasya =
his. Gyaanena = by the avareness. Mokshena = release
from rebirth, emancipation. Kim = what. jataa+ bhasma
+ lepanam. Jataa = twisted and unkept long hairs,
Bhasma = ash, Lepanam = smearing.
i.e. If a person's heart is moved by compassion towards all
living beings on this Earth, and with this knowledge (awareness)
he can achieve 'Moksha' , then where is the need for keeping
unkempt and twisted hair locks on the forehead and smearing
ash on the body ? (reference of mendicants doing penance to
achieve salvation )
(Through this Subhashita the author considers the path of serving the
humanity with compassion as a better way of achieving salvation,)
अति शोभनम्