ऋणशेषोSग्निशेषश्च व्याधिषेशेषस्थतैव च |
पुनश्च वर्धते यस्मात्तस्माच्छेषं च कारयेत ||
अर्थ - लिये हुए ऋण , जलती हुई आग तथा बीमारी के मामले में कुछ भी शेष रहने पर इन तीनों की पुनः वृद्धि हो जाती है | अतएव ऋण का पूरा भुगतान करना, आग को पूरी तरह बुझाना और बीमारी का पूरी तरह समाप्त होने तक इलाज करना अत्यन्त आवश्यक है |
Rinasheshognisheshacha vyaadhisheshastathaiva cha.
Punashcha vardhate yasmaattasmaachesham cha kaarayet.
Rinasheshognisheshacha = Rina+sheshh +agni +sheshh+cha. Rina = a debt, loan.
Shesh = remaining, residue, end. (in case of a debt, the unadjusted balance) Agni = fire. Cha = and Vyaadhisheshastathaiva = vyaadhi+ shesha+ tatheva. + vyadhi = disease, illness. Tahaiva = similarly. Punashcha = again. Vardhate = increases. Yasmaattasmaacchesham = Yasmat +tasmaat +cha +shesham. Yasmaat = because, for this reason. Shesha = end. Kaarayet = do.
i.e. In the case of a debt, a fire and similarly a disease, if some residue is allowed to remain, all these three again increase. Therefore, for this reason these should be completely eliminated by repaying the debt in full, by extinguishing the fire, and by fully curing the disease.
पुनश्च वर्धते यस्मात्तस्माच्छेषं च कारयेत ||
अर्थ - लिये हुए ऋण , जलती हुई आग तथा बीमारी के मामले में कुछ भी शेष रहने पर इन तीनों की पुनः वृद्धि हो जाती है | अतएव ऋण का पूरा भुगतान करना, आग को पूरी तरह बुझाना और बीमारी का पूरी तरह समाप्त होने तक इलाज करना अत्यन्त आवश्यक है |
Rinasheshognisheshacha vyaadhisheshastathaiva cha.
Punashcha vardhate yasmaattasmaachesham cha kaarayet.
Rinasheshognisheshacha = Rina+sheshh +agni +sheshh+cha. Rina = a debt, loan.
Shesh = remaining, residue, end. (in case of a debt, the unadjusted balance) Agni = fire. Cha = and Vyaadhisheshastathaiva = vyaadhi+ shesha+ tatheva. + vyadhi = disease, illness. Tahaiva = similarly. Punashcha = again. Vardhate = increases. Yasmaattasmaacchesham = Yasmat +tasmaat +cha +shesham. Yasmaat = because, for this reason. Shesha = end. Kaarayet = do.
i.e. In the case of a debt, a fire and similarly a disease, if some residue is allowed to remain, all these three again increase. Therefore, for this reason these should be completely eliminated by repaying the debt in full, by extinguishing the fire, and by fully curing the disease.
this sloka was quoted by our prime minister SRI NARENDRA MODIJI yesterday (26/04/2020)in his MAN KI BAATH