सुकुलजन्मविभूतिरनेकधा प्रियसमागमसौख्यपरम्परा |
नृपकुले गुरुता विमलं यशो भवति पुण्यतरोः फलमीदृशम् ||
अर्थ - पुण्यात्मा व्यक्ति अधिकतर अच्छे और प्रतिष्ठित कुल में जन्म लेते हैं और प्रिय परिवारजनों से सुख प्राप्त करते हैं या किसी महान् राजकुल में जन्म ले कर विमल यश और कीर्ति लाभ करते हैं | सचमुच पुण्य रूपी वृक्ष के फल भी इसी प्रकार के होते हैं |
(यदि कोई व्यक्ति धर्म के निर्देशों के अनुसार सात्विक जीवनयापन करता है तो वह् पुण्य अर्जित करता है और अपने अगले जन्म में या इसी जन्म में भी विभिन्न सुखों का भोग करता है | इस श्लोक में 'पुण्य' की तुलना एक वृक्ष से तथा विभिन्न सुख सुविधाओं की तुलना उस वृक्ष के फलों से की गयी है | )
Sukulajanmavibhutiranekadhaa priyasamaagamasaukhyaparamparaa.
Nrupakule gurutaa vimalam yasho bhavati punyataroh phalameedrusham.
Sukula = a noble family. Janma = birth. Vibhuti = greatness Anekadhaa = often.
Priyasamaagama = reunion with family members. Saukhya = happiness, comfort.
Parampara = tradition. Nrupakule = In a king's dynasty. Gurutaa = greatness, majesty.
Vimalam = impeccable. Yasho = fame. Bhavati = happen. Pumyataroh = Punya + taroh.
Punya = religious merit. (If a person leads a pious life as per tenets of religion, he earns certain plus points, which enable him to enjoy various comforts in his next birth cycle or even during his lifetime. .Taroh = Trees. Phalameedrusham= Phalam + eedrusham. Phalam = fruits. Eedrush = such, of these types.
i.e. Pious and religious persons are often born in a noble and great family and enjoy happiness from their association with family members, or are born in a majestic dynasty of Kings who are known for their impeccable fame. Truly, the fruits of the tree of 'Punya' are also of these types.
(In this subhashita 'Punya' has been compared with a tree and the resultant benefits of earning the 'Punya' to the fruits of that tree.)
नृपकुले गुरुता विमलं यशो भवति पुण्यतरोः फलमीदृशम् ||
अर्थ - पुण्यात्मा व्यक्ति अधिकतर अच्छे और प्रतिष्ठित कुल में जन्म लेते हैं और प्रिय परिवारजनों से सुख प्राप्त करते हैं या किसी महान् राजकुल में जन्म ले कर विमल यश और कीर्ति लाभ करते हैं | सचमुच पुण्य रूपी वृक्ष के फल भी इसी प्रकार के होते हैं |
(यदि कोई व्यक्ति धर्म के निर्देशों के अनुसार सात्विक जीवनयापन करता है तो वह् पुण्य अर्जित करता है और अपने अगले जन्म में या इसी जन्म में भी विभिन्न सुखों का भोग करता है | इस श्लोक में 'पुण्य' की तुलना एक वृक्ष से तथा विभिन्न सुख सुविधाओं की तुलना उस वृक्ष के फलों से की गयी है | )
Sukulajanmavibhutiranekadhaa priyasamaagamasaukhyaparamparaa.
Nrupakule gurutaa vimalam yasho bhavati punyataroh phalameedrusham.
Sukula = a noble family. Janma = birth. Vibhuti = greatness Anekadhaa = often.
Priyasamaagama = reunion with family members. Saukhya = happiness, comfort.
Parampara = tradition. Nrupakule = In a king's dynasty. Gurutaa = greatness, majesty.
Vimalam = impeccable. Yasho = fame. Bhavati = happen. Pumyataroh = Punya + taroh.
Punya = religious merit. (If a person leads a pious life as per tenets of religion, he earns certain plus points, which enable him to enjoy various comforts in his next birth cycle or even during his lifetime. .Taroh = Trees. Phalameedrusham= Phalam + eedrusham. Phalam = fruits. Eedrush = such, of these types.
i.e. Pious and religious persons are often born in a noble and great family and enjoy happiness from their association with family members, or are born in a majestic dynasty of Kings who are known for their impeccable fame. Truly, the fruits of the tree of 'Punya' are also of these types.
(In this subhashita 'Punya' has been compared with a tree and the resultant benefits of earning the 'Punya' to the fruits of that tree.)
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