अभ्रवृन्द वैशाखान्तं प्रसूत्यन्तं च यौवनं |
राज्यान्तं नरकं तद्वद्याचनान्तं हि गौरवं ||
अर्थ - वैशाख मास की समाप्ति पर और ग्रीष्म ऋतु प्रारम्भ होने पर
आकाश से बादलों के समूह पलायन कर जाते हैं , और गर्भावस्था के अन्त पर
प्रसव के बाद स्त्रियों का यौवन क्षीण हो जाता है | राज्य व्यवस्था के नष्ट
होने से जनता का जीवन नरक तुल्य हो जाता है | और इसी तरह् किसी
प्रकार की भी याचना करने से व्यक्ति का आत्मगौरव समाप्त हो जाता है |
Abhravrundam vishaakhaantam prasootyantam cha yauvanam.
Raajyaantam narakam tadvadyaachanaantam hi gauravam.
Abhra = clouds. Vcrundam = a cluster. Vishaakhaantam =
vaishakha +antam. Vaishaakha = name of a month in the Hindu
calender which falls between the period April-May ushering in
the summer season. Antam = end. Prasootyantam = prasooti +
antam. Prasooti = pregnancy, child birth. Raajyaantam =
Raajya + antam. Rajya = a State or a kingdom. Narakam =
Hell, a place of unrest and turmoil. Tadvadyaachanaantm =
tadvat +yaachanaa + antam. Tadvat = in the same manner.
Yaachanaa = seeking favours,begging. Hi =surely. Gauravam +
dignity, pride, respectability.
i.e. By the end of the month of Vaishaakha (onset of summer season)
the cluster of clouds vanish from the sky, and by the end of a pregnancy
(child birth) the youthfulness of a woman gets diminished. In the same
manner if the government of a country fails the life of its citizens
becomes like living in the Hell, and by seeking favors from somebody
a person loses his self respect and pride.
राज्यान्तं नरकं तद्वद्याचनान्तं हि गौरवं ||
अर्थ - वैशाख मास की समाप्ति पर और ग्रीष्म ऋतु प्रारम्भ होने पर
आकाश से बादलों के समूह पलायन कर जाते हैं , और गर्भावस्था के अन्त पर
प्रसव के बाद स्त्रियों का यौवन क्षीण हो जाता है | राज्य व्यवस्था के नष्ट
होने से जनता का जीवन नरक तुल्य हो जाता है | और इसी तरह् किसी
प्रकार की भी याचना करने से व्यक्ति का आत्मगौरव समाप्त हो जाता है |
Abhravrundam vishaakhaantam prasootyantam cha yauvanam.
Raajyaantam narakam tadvadyaachanaantam hi gauravam.
Abhra = clouds. Vcrundam = a cluster. Vishaakhaantam =
vaishakha +antam. Vaishaakha = name of a month in the Hindu
calender which falls between the period April-May ushering in
the summer season. Antam = end. Prasootyantam = prasooti +
antam. Prasooti = pregnancy, child birth. Raajyaantam =
Raajya + antam. Rajya = a State or a kingdom. Narakam =
Hell, a place of unrest and turmoil. Tadvadyaachanaantm =
tadvat +yaachanaa + antam. Tadvat = in the same manner.
Yaachanaa = seeking favours,begging. Hi =surely. Gauravam +
dignity, pride, respectability.
i.e. By the end of the month of Vaishaakha (onset of summer season)
the cluster of clouds vanish from the sky, and by the end of a pregnancy
(child birth) the youthfulness of a woman gets diminished. In the same
manner if the government of a country fails the life of its citizens
becomes like living in the Hell, and by seeking favors from somebody
a person loses his self respect and pride.
Mr. Joshi, I m writing this to you just to appreciate ur work. It is a great contribution to survival of sanskrit. It is much helpful for sanskrit lover. Im really thankful to u. Keep it up. though u r from banking sector ur love and work for sanskrit is just appreciable...