उच्चैः पदमधितिष्ठितं लोकस्तत्वेषु मुह्यति प्रायः |
विषयमपि पश्यति समं पर्वतशिखराग्रमारूढः || -महासुभषितसंग्रह
भावार्थ - प्रायः उच्च पद पर नियुक्त व्यक्ति वास्तविक स्थिति से
उसी प्रकार अनभिज्ञ तथा सम्मोहित से रहते है जिस प्रकार एक ऊचे
पर्वत के शिखर (चोटी) पर खडे हो कर नीचे की ओर देखने से धरातल
पर स्थित हर वस्तु साधारण और सपाट दिखाई देती है |
(इस सुभाषित मे व्यक्त विचारों की सत्यता का ज्वलन्त प्रमाण आपात
काल के दौरान भारत की प्रधान मन्त्री श्रीमती इन्दिरा गांधी की मानसिकता
से परिलक्षित होता है | चारों ओर चाटुकारों से घिरी होने के कारण वे देश
में उनके प्रति उपज रहे विद्रोह से अपरिचित थीं और समय से पूर्व चुनाव
करवा कर तथा चुनाव में बुरी तरह हार का सामना कर उन्हें अपने पद को भी
गंवाना पडा था | )
Ucchaih padamadhitishthitam lokastatveshu muhyati praayah.
Vidhayamapi pashyati samam parvatashikharaagramaaroodhh.
Ucchaih = high, elevated Padamadhishtham = padam +
adhishthitam. Padam = post, position. Adhishthitam = settled,
posted. Lokastatveshu= Lokah + tatveshu. Lokah = people,
a person. Tatveshu = reality, truth. Muhyati = become confused,
perplexed. Prayah = perhaps, generally. Vishayamapi =
vishayam + api. Vushayam = subject, topic. Api =even.
Pashyati = see Samam = common, normal. Parvatashikharaa
-gramaaroodhah = parvata+shikhar+agra+ aaroodhah. Parvat =
a mountain. Shikhar= peak ,top. Agra = tip, Aroodha=reached.
i.e. Generally persons appointed in high positions are unaware
of the ground reality and remain perplexed, just like a person
perched on the top of a high mountain looking downwards at the
ground level, who sees every thing as common and normal.
(The truth behind the thoughts expressed in this Subhashita can be
seen in the behaiour of Smt Indira Gandhi, the ex-Prime Minister
of India, who, after imposing the emergency in the country, was
totally unaware of the resentment and anger brewing up in the
masses due to her policies due to being always being surrounded
by a coterie of sycophants, and decided to face a general election,
in which she and the Congress Party got a humiliating defeat )
Bahut shubh evam Sundar!