भोगा न भुक्ता वयमेव भुक्ता-
स्तपो न तप्तं वयमेव तप्ताः
कालो न यातो वयमेव याता-
स्तृष्णा न जीर्णा वयमेव जीर्णाः ||- भर्तृहरि (वैराग्य शतक )
भावार्थ - सांसारिक क्रियाकलापों में व्यस्त रह कर हम यह
सोचते हैं कि हम सुखी हैं परन्तु वास्तव में हमारा ही भोग
किया जा रहा है | हम कोई तप (धार्मिक आचरण)नहीं करते हैं
और इस कारण स्वयं दुःखों की अग्नि में तपाये जा रहे हैं | हम
सोचते हैं कि समय व्यतीत हो रहा है परन्तु हम ही काल के
गाल में समाने के लिये जा रहे हैं | इसी प्रकार हमारी तृष्णा
(अत्यधिक लालच ) तो कम नहीं होती है परन्तु हमारा ही शरीर
वृद्धावस्था के कारण जीर्ण होता जाता है |
( इस सुभाषित में भुक्ताः तप्ताः और जीर्णाः शब्दों को द्विअर्थक
रूप में बडी कुशलता से प्रयुक्त किया गया है |
Bhogaa na bhuktaa vayameva bhuktaa-
stapo na taptam vayameva taptaah.
Kaalo na yaato vayameva yaataa-
strushnaa na jeernaa vayameva jeernaah.
Bhogaa = worldly pleasures. Na = not Bhuktaa =
enjoyed, devoured. Vayameva = vayam + eva.
Vayam= we . Eva=only. Bhuktaastapo=bhuktaah+
tapo. Bhuktaah =happened Tapo=religious austerity.
Na=not. Taptam = practised. Taptah = inflamed,
scorched. Kaalo = the time. Yaato =gone. Yaataah
= gone, died. Trushnaa = greed. Jeernaa = reduced
intensity, senility, growing old
i.e. While being engaged in worldly pleasures we
think that we are happy, but in fact we ourselves are
being devoured. We do not practise religious austerity
and as a result thereof are being scorched by the fire
of miseries. We think that time is passing (which is
eternal) whereas we ourselves are going (approaching
death). There is no reduction in the level of our greed,
but we ourselves are being reduced to senility.
(In this Subhashita the words 'bhuktaah' , 'taptaah' and
'jeernaah' have been used very cleverly as they have more
than one meaning. The pun used can not be retained in
the English translation of the verse.)
such practical wisdom you will find only here in Hindu philosophy. Thanks for uploading this.