कलावते नमस्तस्मै यत्पादैः शारदागमः |
स्फुटीभवति लोकानां सर्वेषामपि निर्मलैः || -सुभाषित रत्नाकर
भावार्थ - हे महान कलाकारो ! हम आपको सादर प्रणाम करते हैं
क्यों कि आपका हमारे यहां पधारना विद्या की अधिष्ठात्री देवी
शारदा (सरस्वती) के आगमन का प्रतीक है जिसके फलस्वरूप हमारे
समाज के सभी लोगों में निर्मल बुद्धि विकसित होगी |
(जिस देश और समाज में कलाकारों और विद्वानों का उचित सम्मान
नहीं होता है वह् देश और समाज प्रगति नहीं कर सकता है | उपर्युक्त
सुभाषित इसी भावना को परोक्ष रूप में व्यक्त करता है |)
Kalaavate namastasmai yatpaadaih shaaradaagamah.
Sphuteebhavati lokaanaam sarveshaampi nirrmalaih.
Kalaaavate = artists. Namastasmaih = namah +tasmai.
Namah = salutations. Tasmai = toyou. Yat = since,
Padaih = footsteps . Sharadaagame = Shaaradaa +
aagamah. Shaaradaa = Goddess Sarasvati. Agamah=
arrival. Sphuteebhavati = becomes evident. Lokaanaam=
among the people. Sarveshaamapi = sarveshaam + api.
Sarveshaam = all. Api =even. Nirmalaih = pure and
O honourable artists ! we welcome and salute you, because
your arrival here is symbolic of the arrival of Sharada, the
Goddess of all knowledge and arts, as a result of which all
our citizens will acquire pure and resplendent intellect.
(A Country where scholars and artists do not get proper respect
and recognition can never progress. This is the indirect message
of the above Subhishata.)
Comment by Poornima Mohan :-
Poornima Mohan This verse also refers to the full moon. कलावान् is the moon complete with all his Kalas or digits. The most splendorous full moon is the one that marks the Sharat season in October. So this verse says "Salutations to that moon, the clearness of whose digits makes known to everyone the imminent Splendors of the Sharat season" .
Mohan Chandra JoshiGroup Admin Many thanks for the real hidden meanings of this Subhashita , which , I failed to fathom due to my limited understanding of Sanskrit. I construed the meaning of 'Shaaradaagama ' as arrival of Sarasvati and not of the sharad season..
Poornima Mohan
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