पञ्चाग्नयो मनुष्येण परिचर्याः प्रयत्नतः |
पितामाताग्निरात्मा च गुरुश्च भरतर्षभः ||
भावार्थ - हे राजाओं में श्रेष्ठ धृतराष्ट्र ! पिता, माता, अग्नि ,
आत्मा तथा गुरु, ये पांचो मिल कर पञ्चाग्नि कहे जाते हैं और
मनुष्य का यह परम कर्तव्य है कि वह विशेष यत्नपूर्वक इन की
सेवा करे |
Panchaagnayo manushyena paricharyo prayatnatah.
Pitaamaataagniraatmaa cha gurushcha bharatarshabhah.
Pancha + agnayo. Pancha = five. Agnayo = fires.
Manushyena = by a man. Paricharyo = render service.
Pratnayatah = with special care. Pita +Maata+Agnih +
Aatmaa, cha = and. Pita = father. Maata = mother.
Agnih = fire. Aatmaa = self. Guruh+ cha. Guruh=
the Teacher. Bharatarshabhah = the best prince of Bhaarat
i.e. India (here reference is to king Dhrutaraashtra.)
i,e, O King Dhrutaraashtra ! Father, Mother, Fire, one's own
Self and a Guru (teacher) these five are called 'Panchaagni', and
it is the foremost duty of a person to render service to them with
special care.