Wednesday 3 April 2013

To day's Subhashit.

कवयः परितुष्तन्ति नेतरे कविसूक्तिभिः |
नह्यकूपारवत्कूपा वर्धन्ते विधुकान्तिभिः.||

Kavayah paritushtanti netare kavisooktibhih.
nahyakoopaaravatkoopaa vardhante vidhukaantibhih.

Kavayah = poets.      Paritushtanti = satisfied,  appreciate        Netare = others.
 Kavisooktibhih = kavi +sooktibhih.    Kavi = poet.    Sookibhih = poems.      Nahyakoopaaravatkoopaa = Nahi +akoopar +vat +koopa
Nahi = not.     Akoopaar = ocean.   vat = similar to.     koopaa = wells.     
Vardhante =  increase,grow.    Vidhukaantibhih = Vidhu + kaantibhih.
 Vidhu = moon.    Kaanti= light.     Vidhukaanti =Moon light.   

i.e.         Poets generally do not appreciate the poetry composed by other poets.  They are like ordinary wells, which remain unaffected by the moonlight falling over them and their water level does not rise like the Ocean ,which rises progressively in the  moonlight of a waxing moon..

[In this Subhashit the author has made a fun of the poet community, whose members are always eager to recite their poems to other poets and seek appreciation ,but avoid listening to other poets when their turn comes, and they are compared to ordinary wells..  A virtuous poet is compared to an Ocean and whenever meaningful and excellent poetry (compared to the moonlight of a full Moon) is recited to him, he appreciate it  and responds  just like the Ocean when due to gravitational attraction of a full Moon tides are created in the ocean (compared to the joy of listening good  poetry). ]


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