Tuesday 19 June 2012

To day's Subhashit

विद्वान् संसदि पाक्षिकः परवशो  मानी दरिद्रो गृही
वित्ताढयः कृपणः सुखी परवशो वृद्धो न तीर्थाश्रितः |
राजा दु:सचिवप्रियः कुलभवो मूर्खः पुमान स्त्रीजितः 
वेदान्ती रहितक्रियः किमपरं हास्याSSस्पदम भूतले ||

भावार्थ - ,यदि  किसी सभा में विद्वान पक्षपात करने वाले हों, समाज के माननीय
व्यक्ति दूसरों के वश में हों, परिवार का मुखिया गरीब् हो, धनवान व्यक्ति कंजूस हो, 
दूसरों के आधीन व्यक्ति सुख के कामना करे, तथा वृद्धावस्था में कोई व्यक्ति तीर्थवास
करने का इच्छुक न हो,  और राजा अपने  ऐसे  मन्त्रियों पर  विश्वास  करे जिनका 
चरित्र संदेहास्पद हो , किसी  परिवार  का उत्तराधिकारी मूर्ख  हो , पुरुष स्त्रियों  के 
 वश  में  हों , तथा  एक  आचार्य (पुरोहित) को कर्मकाण्ड  का  ज्ञान न  हो , तो  इसमें 
कोई संदेह नहीं है कि ऐसे सभी व्यक्ति इस पृथिवी में हास्यास्पद ही कहलाते हैं |

Vidwaan sansadi pakshikah paravasho maani daridro grahee
vittadhyah krupanah sukhi paravasho vruddho na teertaashritah
Raajaa duhsachivapriyah kulabhawo moorkhh puman streejitah
Vedaanti rahitakriyah kimaparam haasyaaspadam bhootale.. 

i.e.  If  a scholar is not neutral and is partisan in an assembly, a respectable person of society is under undue influence of  some one, head of a family is very poor,  a rich person is a miser, a person enslaved by someone is happy , an aged  person who does not spend his last days in a religious place,a King who likes and relies on the advice of a minister who is of doubtful character, if the descendant of an illustrious family is foolish (and unlettered), if a husband is henpecked, if a Vedanti is not adept in performing various rituals, it is not unusual that all these persons are the objects of ridicule in this World.

Duhsachiva = an unscrupulous Minister,       Kulbhawo =The future head of a Family.
Vedaanti = an Achaarya  who performs various religious rituals (Kriyah)
Sansadi =An assembly,       .Krupan =  a miser.        Vittadhyah = a very rich person.
Teerthashritah=-  There was a tradition in Hindu religion that aged persons spent their last days in a religious place called a 'Teerth' e.g. Kaashi, Vrindavan and Haridwaar etc) which was termed as teerth -waas.   

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