अतिसंपदमापन्नैर्भेतव्यं पतनाद्भयः |
अत्त्युच्चशिखरा मेरो: शक्रवज्रेण पातिताः ||
अर्थ - अत्यधिक संपत्ति अर्जित करने पर सदैव उसके नष्ट होने का भय बना रहता है | उदाहरणार्थ देवराज इन्द्र का वज्र भी मेरु पर्वत के ऊंचे शिखरों पर ही गिरता है |
(राज्य शासन , चोर, लुटेरों आदि की वक्र दृष्टि सदैव अत्यधिक धनवान व्यक्तियों के धन पर ही रहती और वे उसको येन केन प्रकारेण प्राप्त करने के लिये प्रयत्नशील रहते हैं | इस प्रक्रिया को इस सुभाषित में देवराज इन्द्र द्वारा अपने वज्र से मेरु पर्वत (अति संपत्ति का प्रतीक) के शिखरों पर आकाशीय विद्युत गिरने से उनके नष्ट होने से किया गया है | यहां यह दृष्टव्य है कि आकाशीय बिद्युत केवल ऊंची इमारतों, वृक्षों या पर्वतों की चोटियोंपर ही गिरती है और साधारण वस्तुओं पर नहीं गिरती है || )
Atisampadamaapannairbhetavyam patanaadbhayam.
Atyucchashikharaa MeroShakravajrena paatitaa.
Atisampadamaapannairbhetavyam = ati +sampat + aapannaih + bhetavyam. Ati = extremelySampat = wealth. Aapannaih = acquired. Bhetavyam = to be feared or dreaded.
(राज्य शासन , चोर, लुटेरों आदि की वक्र दृष्टि सदैव अत्यधिक धनवान व्यक्तियों के धन पर ही रहती और वे उसको येन केन प्रकारेण प्राप्त करने के लिये प्रयत्नशील रहते हैं | इस प्रक्रिया को इस सुभाषित में देवराज इन्द्र द्वारा अपने वज्र से मेरु पर्वत (अति संपत्ति का प्रतीक) के शिखरों पर आकाशीय विद्युत गिरने से उनके नष्ट होने से किया गया है | यहां यह दृष्टव्य है कि आकाशीय बिद्युत केवल ऊंची इमारतों, वृक्षों या पर्वतों की चोटियोंपर ही गिरती है और साधारण वस्तुओं पर नहीं गिरती है || )
Atisampadamaapannairbhetavyam patanaadbhayam.
Atyucchashikharaa MeroShakravajrena paatitaa.
Atisampadamaapannairbhetavyam = ati +sampat + aapannaih + bhetavyam. Ati = extremelySampat = wealth. Aapannaih = acquired. Bhetavyam = to be feared or dreaded.
Patnaadbhayam = patnaat + bhayam. Patnaat = downfall. Bhayam + fear.
Attyucchashikharaa = ati +uccha+shikharaa. Uccha = high, lofty. Shikharaa = peaks.
Mero = reference to the famous mountain of Hindu mythology. This mountain was used as a churning instrument for churning the Ocean in the legend of 'Samudra Manthan"
Shakra = name of the God Indra, the Ruler of Heaven. Vajrena = by the 'Vajra' . (Vajra is the weapon of the God Indra. Whenever lightening strikes in the sky during rainy season, it is
attributed to the strike of Indra's weapon and is called 'Vajrapaat' ) Paatitaa = struck down .
i.e. Acquisition of too much wealth is always accompanied by the fear of losing it . Even the
Vajra, the weapon of God Indra strikes the lofty peaks of the Meru mountain.
(Super rich people are always targeted by the Government's taxation authorities,thieves dacoits,and they remain in constant fear of losing their wealth. This phenomenon has been highlighted by the use of a simile from Hindu Mythology, of the high peak of 'Meru' mountain (representing wealth) being struck by the 'Vajra' of God Indra (representing outside forces attempting to take away that wealth ). Lightening always strikes only at highrise buildings, trees and mountain peaks and not on low lying objects.)
Attyucchashikharaa = ati +uccha+shikharaa. Uccha = high, lofty. Shikharaa = peaks.
Mero = reference to the famous mountain of Hindu mythology. This mountain was used as a churning instrument for churning the Ocean in the legend of 'Samudra Manthan"
Shakra = name of the God Indra, the Ruler of Heaven. Vajrena = by the 'Vajra' . (Vajra is the weapon of the God Indra. Whenever lightening strikes in the sky during rainy season, it is
attributed to the strike of Indra's weapon and is called 'Vajrapaat' ) Paatitaa = struck down .
i.e. Acquisition of too much wealth is always accompanied by the fear of losing it . Even the
Vajra, the weapon of God Indra strikes the lofty peaks of the Meru mountain.
(Super rich people are always targeted by the Government's taxation authorities,thieves dacoits,and they remain in constant fear of losing their wealth. This phenomenon has been highlighted by the use of a simile from Hindu Mythology, of the high peak of 'Meru' mountain (representing wealth) being struck by the 'Vajra' of God Indra (representing outside forces attempting to take away that wealth ). Lightening always strikes only at highrise buildings, trees and mountain peaks and not on low lying objects.)
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